SEO Built For E-Commerce

We develop full-service inbound-marketing solutions for your
online marketplace, devising strategies that marry cumulative
referral growth with cumulative SEO


A New Gold Rush


  • A full 80 percent of Americans have bought something online in the past month, and 51 percent of Americans prefer to shop online.

  • The e-commerce industry is growing at a pace of 23 percent year-over-year, and 67 percent of millennials would rather buy online than in a store.

  • Even 59 percent of Baby Boomers have made at least one purchase from a marketplace this year.

But despite massive growth in the industry, 43 percent of all online retail sales go
through Amazon,
and 46 percent of American small businesses do not have a website.

If you want to take advantage of these changes in shopping habits, you need more than
an online presence. Your marketplace needs to become a trusted destination, and that
won’t happen unless you are showing up in the search results.

SEO For E-Commerce Websites
Is No Longer Optional

According to research by Business Insider, online shoppers start with Amazon a staggering 29 percent of the time. All of the other online marketplaces on the web combined account for just 9 percent.

But there is hope for alternative marketplaces. Fifteen percent of product searches start with Google, more than any location besides Amazon.

Since Google’s index includes nearly every website on the internet, this means that competing marketplaces still have an opportunity to be found.

If you work with a trusted e-commerce SEO consultant, you can increase your visibility in Google, differentiate yourself, and compete with Amazon in your vertical.


E-Commerce SEO Agency

eCommerce SEO

Set Up Shop Online has been in the SEO industry since 2007, and many of the professionals on our team have been at it for far longer.

We blend extensive inbound marketing experience with comprehensive technical SEO knowledge to provide solutions for e-commerce websites. All of our strategies employ rigorous SEO checklists and audits built for e-commerce sites.

Deep Consumer Behavior
Driven Keyword Research

As an experienced e-commerce SEO company, our approach to keyword research is indistinguishable from market research. We dig deeper than surface level tools, identifying keyword opportunities that popular tools will not discover or recommend.

We identify and address questions and concerns your target audience has that you may not even have been aware of, and combine innovative market research techniques with strategic brainstorming to ensure that the keywords we discover connect you to new business opportunities.


Unique Title And Meta Description Strategies

Dynamically generated product listings are a necessity for many marketplaces, but they are also the least effective method of generating pages for search engines. Manually produced product pages with 100 percent unique copy and keyword relevance are necessities if you want to outperform the competition.

We employ the Pareto concept to identify your most promising pages, then rebuild them from the ground up to maximize search engine traffic and conversion rates.


Heading Tag And Image Optimization

We strategically combine keyword use with convincing copy to make the most of each page’s heading tags, and optimize your image meta data for the greatest visibility in image search results.


Content Optimization

Google assigns every page a “quality score” based on the value of its content, factoring in keyword relevance, information density, reading level, uniqueness, user behavior, and various other factors.

Our professional copywriters ensure that every word contributes to user experience, customer retention, conversions, and search engine authority. E-commerce website optimization is the bread and butter of our business.


E-Commerce Focused Link Building

Using our PR experience, networking expertise, professional copywriting, and connections, we earn you relevant press from authoritative sources, building and attracting links that will strengthen your present and future resilience in the search engine results.


Content Marketing For E-Commerce

Our content marketing strategies are comprehensive, built to create demand, capture demand, build email lists, earn editorial placement and build links, capture top and bottom of funnel keyword searches, and bolster your brand visibility in every way possible.


Sales Funnel Optimization

By combining conversion rate optimization with SEO and other inbound marketing strategies, we reduce cart abandonment, increase user engagement, eliminate bottlenecks, and A/B our way to breakthrough results.


Extensive Analytics Tracking

We use the most modern and advanced analytics methods, including e-commerce goal conversion and other methods, to ensure that every sale is attributable to previous marketing efforts, allowing us to maximize your ROI in the most transparent way possible.


Strategic SEO Consulting For E-Commerce
Redesigns, Relaunches, and Migrations

Redesigning your website or migrating to a new e-commerce platform can be a smart move if you want to launch new features, stay visually stunning, or keep up with industry trends. But redesigns and migrations can also wreak havoc on your site’s SEO.

We have helped sites recover and surpass their previous search engine traffic levels after disastrous site redesigns tanked their rankings.

We work closely with designers and developers to ensure that your relaunch goes off without a hitch, even improving your site’s overall SEO performance.

We monitor your site for errors that could harm your performance in the search results as well as your other marketing efforts.


We have a proven track record, and are confident in our abilities.

Enterprise Scale SEO For E-Commerce

Massive marketplaces with thousands, even millions, of pages can be an SEO blessing or an SEO curse.


A massive number of pages increases your opportunities for drawing search traffic from “long tail” queries, rare keywords that cumulatively bring in large numbers.


But if that high page count is accompanied by duplicated content, links to 404 pages, and even small technical errors, the negative impact on your site’s SEO is multiplied and your rankings can suffer in ways that a smaller site can’t dream of.


Our e-commerce SEO
packages are

custom built to suit
your individual needs.


We have devised and implemented solutions for massive marketplaces in the past that have brought sites
thousands of visitors they would not otherwise have reached. Do not waste these opportunities.

What Separates
From The Competition


More than 10 Years of experience

No contracts. Work with us as long as you want

Founders’ core background in SEO

Prior experience working on e-commerce sites from a wide variety of niches

Strong understanding of modern e-commerce technologies

Strong understanding of how Google Search Algorithms work

We are regular contributions to some of the biggest platforms in the search industry such as Search Engine Land, Marketing Land,, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, and other trusted SEO knowledge outlets

Transparent and ethical work practices

Fair and Competitive pricing (VALUE FOR MONEY)

Integrated full service digital marketing approach to help you with search engine marketing and paid advertisement on Google AdWords (Search, Display, Shopping), Facebook, and Instagram

Hands On Experience With
Multiple E-Commerce Platforms

Our developers and e-commerce SEO experts have worked with a wide variety of e-commerce platforms, both open source and hosted. Our experience with these platforms allows us to provide platform-specific SEO consultation and service on short notice.

Level The Playing Field

Amazon may be a Goliath in the e-commerce industry, but they are by no means
impossible to defeat in your vertical. Work with us to develop an inbound marketing
strategy that will make your brand the authority in your corner of the market and a front
page result in the search engines. We’re here to discuss your plans, obstacles, goals, and
future. Let’s talk. There are no obligations or commitments.


Book A Zoom with one of our specialists


Please don’t hesitate to call us anytime and if we don’t pick up, leave a message.  We are happily serving all of our happy customers.

We will return your call promptly and as soon as possible.

Phone: +1.570.844.0174

Set Up Shop Online Inc.
205 Applegate Road Suite 100 #1087
Stroudsburg, PA 18360

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